Tuesday, March 30, 2010


After the earthquakes in Haiti, everyone was compelled to respond. The art and design communities came together for the Haiti Poster Project for which proceeds will be donated to Doctors Without Borders.

And stemming from this project, brilliance from the kids. Students at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design were asked to create posters, only this time, they were given a specific set of instructions: "...if you have no power, no light, no food, no computer, but had to make something that could be reproduced 25 times, what would you make? What if you only had a pencil? Or a pen? One pair of scissors?" Check out their collective works. While the project was eventually opened up to more "tools," the results are definitely inspiring.

Makes you want to step back when you approach any project and get started with as few tools as possible, instead of jumping right in.


One of my favorite Easter traditions is the tremendous display of creativity of the Washington Post-sponsored Peeps Show. It could almost also serve as a "year in review" of sorts with the themes covering popular movies, weather events and politics. I might have to mark it on my calendar to enter next year.

Check out the winner!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


They have been posting some amazing vintage photos over at The Sartorialist...seriously, check out this Texas grandma!

I thought I'd share some vintage shots that I personally love, from my dad's side of the family. It's so fun to look at these photos, great captures of a moment in time long ago!

I call this one Happy Hour Fabulous, 1946

Fishing, 1962
My Papa's band, the Leon Quintet
My Papa and Grandma, 1947

Thursday, March 25, 2010


As a communications professional, I'm admittedly passionate about a not-so-little thing called branding. A few years ago I discovered this infographic called "A Model of Brand" detailing all of the elements that go into a brand. The model is exceptional and fascinating.

One of the key elements of a successful brand are brand ambassadors, individuals who have interacted with the brand and liked that experience, who then become a steward of your brand. They are invaluable. Here in Denver, one of the strongest, most recognized brands is "hometown airline" Frontier. Every time I fly with them (which is quite frequently) you'll always find a kid, nose flat against the window, checking to see what "animal" is flying on the tail.

Frontier Airlines was purchased by Republic Airlines last year while in bankruptcy and they have recently mentioned they might get rid of their trademark animals. What they don't appear to realize is that getting rid of the animals is all but eliminating the brand, especially when other "experiences" that reflect upon the brand have been called into question as well, including reliability and customer service. Close to 5,000 of these brand stewards have joined a Facebook campaign to keep the animals and brand in tact.

While changes are inevitable in business, it's important to remember all of the various elements that make up the "Model of Brand." Here's to hoping that the folks at Republic/Frontier realize those animals are and can be more than that, they are key brand elements...symbols, perceptions, name, stewards, promises. Just furry ones!
Image courtesy of Frontier Airlines.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Springtime in the Rockies, or so the story goes...looks like here in Denver we’re going to get some serious snow tonight/tomorrow. I think I left work in the NW suburbs just in time...and am now dealing with a satellite dish that is malfunctioning due to the heavy, wet snow (and no ladder or cute handyman in sight) and flickering power...Snowpocalypse? I’ll take it if I can be this freaking fabulous (via The Sartorialist).

Sunday, March 21, 2010


If you ask me my constant “feeling” companion over the past few months, it’s definitely been a sense of wanderlust. So much so, that I googled it. And what did I find but a combination of many of my favorite things where Good Magazine traces history’s greatest journeys from Magellan to Kerovac.

I’ve already shared my love of maps, add in a dose of Good, infographics and a sense of wanderlust, and you’ve got something that can keep me interested, and educated, for hours!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


My BFF looks like Jennifer Nettles and thus, I hate (i mean) love her. It surely isn’t a coincidence that she turned me onto one of my favorite bands in Sugarland...and this Web site is a way I’m currently trying to deal the fact that my life motto lately has been one of their lyrics: “There’s gotta be something more, gotta be more than this.!”

That being said, I was perusing their Web site and noticed these fantastic concert posters from their shows. One of my favorite genres of art is surely the concert poster...does this mean they are “coming back?” And bonus, the posters are on sale AND autographed. I attended their show in Denver last summer and don’t remember seeing any posters, but I’m thinking of getting one...which city poster inspires you to buy, even if you missed the show? I’m partial to the fireflies of Bloomsburg, PA...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green with envy.

Or as my friend Carrie Bradshaw once said...Hello Luvah.

This week I watched the Bachelor Wedding featuring Jason and Molly. Yes, I watch the Bachelor...and love it. I loved the green shoes that both Molly wore with her white wedding gown. Perfect for that wedding and perfect for St. Patty.

During my daily visit to ModCloth.com I saw these shoes. A little out of my self-imposed spending limit on shoes, I will be wearing these in my dreams tonight. Amazing.

If you haven’t visited ModCloth, bookmark it. And trust me, you need to visit every day and if you see something you like, snatch it up. There are two dresses I still get sad over because I “slept on it.” Luckily this visit after fawning over these shoes, I walked away with these ones. You can take the girl out of Texas...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Get Lost.

I’ve always been fascinated by maps. I can literally get “lost” in them and stare at them for hours. This past summer, I went to a family reunion in Canada (where I hadn’t been since 1986!) and while scouring the map, discovered a place called Ebb and Flow, Canada...and much to the dismay of some of my family members, we adventured a different way to our final destination just to say “I’ve been to Ebb and Flow, Canada!”

Last year I started my worldly travels and I’ve long admired those ultra-fancy travel maps that mark where you’ve been and where you are going...but the versions I’ve spotted on my friends’ walls and in Skymall haven’t quite fit the bill.

So imagine my utter delight when I discovered this delightful, just my style, map from These are Things! A favorite amongst numerous blogs, they’ve already sold out of their first edition and are working on the 2nd. I wonder if it is too early to ask for an early birthday present? PS - I’m a Taures!

Photo Courtesy of These are Things.