A week in Haiti will change your life...
You experience overwhelming love and devastating heart break.
Feelings of both strength and insignificance.
You get slapped in the face by poverty one minute, and have the time of your life swimming with the local children at a beautiful beach, the next.
You move mountains with only shovels and buckets, and you do so much faster working side-by-side with Haitian men, women and children. Men apil chay pa lou.
You fall in love with a boy named Mackenly and a baby named Sammy.

Complete strangers become your best friends.
You are consumed with laughter after a Bonneou kiddo puts you “in the pot” during a game of duck-duck-goose.
“Inspired” takes on a whole new meaning when Haitian teenagers share their passion, dreams and clear vision of a
bright future for their country.
A cold shower quickly becomes heaven on earth.
You discover international languages: bubbles, hugs, laughter, and seeing yourself, perhaps for the first time, on a camera’s small screen.
You make a difference.
A week in Haiti will change your life...
I wrote this for a thank you card that I gave my friends and family who provided financial support for my trip...but I still can't think of any better way to share my experience in Haiti...so here it is for the faithful blog readers too! The only problem is...I definitely feel like I didn't do enough, that my work is unfinished...