Saturday, December 18, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010
I had fun creating her party invitation once again...even though for the past few years she's been talking about having a princess party and I had an awesome princess invitation all ready to go...and then my sister drops the bomb that it's going to be a luau party in their new backyard. Oh well, I guess I have a princess party invite in the hopper in case I ever need it!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
You experience overwhelming love and devastating heart break.
Feelings of both strength and insignificance.
You get slapped in the face by poverty one minute, and have the time of your life swimming with the local children at a beautiful beach, the next.
You move mountains with only shovels and buckets, and you do so much faster working side-by-side with Haitian men, women and children. Men apil chay pa lou.

You fall in love with a boy named Mackenly and a baby named Sammy.

Complete strangers become your best friends.

You are consumed with laughter after a Bonneou kiddo puts you “in the pot” during a game of duck-duck-goose.
“Inspired” takes on a whole new meaning when Haitian teenagers share their passion, dreams and clear vision of a
bright future for their country.
A cold shower quickly becomes heaven on earth.
You discover international languages: bubbles, hugs, laughter, and seeing yourself, perhaps for the first time, on a camera’s small screen.

You make a difference.
A week in Haiti will change your life...
I wrote this for a thank you card that I gave my friends and family who provided financial support for my trip...but I still can't think of any better way to share my experience in Haiti...so here it is for the faithful blog readers too! The only problem is...I definitely feel like I didn't do enough, that my work is unfinished...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
A Home in Haiti
We were the first group that went, 60+ strangers who met in Haiti to do big things, love on special kids and make a difference. I've met the kids of the Miriam Center and they are some of the most special souls on this planet...would love it if you could take a look at the video, visit ahomeinhaiti.org and help us finish what we started!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sorry for the lack of posts lately...man, where does the time go? Turns out, the official kick-off of summer is in just a few days...Memorial Day Weekend!
I've mentioned previously on the blog the sense of wanderlust that I was experiencing...and yep, still experiencing it. I even offered to drive with my BFF from LA to Philly if she moves there this summer...not sure she'll take me up on it, but I can only hope it will be as well documented (infographically speaking) as this find over at Papercut!
Friday, April 2, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
And stemming from this project, brilliance from the kids. Students at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design were asked to create posters, only this time, they were given a specific set of instructions: "...if you have no power, no light, no food, no computer, but had to make something that could be reproduced 25 times, what would you make? What if you only had a pencil? Or a pen? One pair of scissors?" Check out their collective works. While the project was eventually opened up to more "tools," the results are definitely inspiring.
Makes you want to step back when you approach any project and get started with as few tools as possible, instead of jumping right in.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
I thought I'd share some vintage shots that I personally love, from my dad's side of the family. It's so fun to look at these photos, great captures of a moment in time long ago!
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Springtime in the Rockies, or so the story goes...looks like here in Denver we’re going to get some serious snow tonight/tomorrow. I think I left work in the NW suburbs just in time...and am now dealing with a satellite dish that is malfunctioning due to the heavy, wet snow (and no ladder or cute handyman in sight) and flickering power...Snowpocalypse? I’ll take it if I can be this freaking fabulous (via The Sartorialist).
Sunday, March 21, 2010

I’ve already shared my love of maps, add in a dose of Good, infographics and a sense of wanderlust, and you’ve got something that can keep me interested, and educated, for hours!
Saturday, March 20, 2010

That being said, I was perusing their Web site and noticed these fantastic concert posters from their shows. One of my favorite genres of art is surely the concert poster...does this mean they are “coming back?” And bonus, the posters are on sale AND autographed. I attended their show in Denver last summer and don’t remember seeing any posters, but I’m thinking of getting one...which city poster inspires you to buy, even if you missed the show? I’m partial to the fireflies of Bloomsburg, PA...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Green with envy.

This week I watched the Bachelor Wedding featuring Jason and Molly. Yes, I watch the Bachelor...and love it. I loved the green shoes that both Molly wore with her white wedding gown. Perfect for that wedding and perfect for St. Patty.
During my daily visit to ModCloth.com I saw these shoes. A little out of my self-imposed spending limit on shoes, I will be wearing these in my dreams tonight. Amazing.
If you haven’t visited ModCloth, bookmark it. And trust me, you need to visit every day and if you see something you like, snatch it up. There are two dresses I still get sad over because I “slept on it.” Luckily this visit after fawning over these shoes, I walked away with these ones. You can take the girl out of Texas...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Get Lost.

Last year I started my worldly travels and I’ve long admired those ultra-fancy travel maps that mark where you’ve been and where you are going...but the versions I’ve spotted on my friends’ walls and in Skymall haven’t quite fit the bill.
So imagine my utter delight when I discovered this delightful, just my style, map from These are Things! A favorite amongst numerous blogs, they’ve already sold out of their first edition and are working on the 2nd. I wonder if it is too early to ask for an early birthday present? PS - I’m a Taures!
Photo Courtesy of These are Things.